Nestled between the Adriatic and the Apennines in central Italy, Abruzzo is known as the green lung of Europe because almost half the region is covered in national parks and nature reserves. This month’s dishes focus on the agro-pastoral cuisine of the hinterland where shepherding is common and the hunting season is popular. Notable wines on our menu from this region include the famous Montepulciano d’Abruzzo DOC red wine and Pecorino white wine whose name derives from pecora, meaning sheep, who snacked on these early ripening grapes during the annual transumanza, the seasonal practice of migrating livestock from one land to another.
This month's dishes:
duck ragù, pomodoro, fresh herbs, onions
grilled lamb skewers, rosemary, grilled vegetables
Make a reservation to try them for yourself or click here to read our T-Mag issue highlighting the region.